Alex Chan, 38yrs, Designer
Hong Kong
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After using Amita’s products, PCCM and GTI, for 2 weeks, it is very obvious that my digestion system has much improved and the tightness in my back has loosened up. I wake up more energised in the morning. I used to feel quite tired as my work is mostly done overnight.

[English Version Endorsed by Author]

使用了「無量光」的產品 (PCCM 和GTI)兩星期後,我的消化系統明顯地得到改善、背部蹦緊的情況亦得以紓緩。由於我時常需要通宵工作,以前我都會感到疲倦,現在每天起床時都感到較精力充沛。



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